
Tips for bathroom

Bathroom maintenance is an important part of home care. Here you'll find tips on cleaning, tidying up, doing laundry and using water responsibly.

Kuvituskuva: Henkilö kutoo


Du­rab­le, was­hab­le clea­ning rags

You can croc­het your clea­ning rags – was­hab­le and reu­sab­le clea­ning rags rep­la­ce dis­po­sab­le ver­sions. Croc­het the clea­ning rags from me­dium-st­rength knit­ting or croc­het yarn ma­de of cot­ton or cot­ton mix. Ea­sy inst­ruc­tions on how to croc­het clea­ning rags can be found on the in­ter­net.


Kuvituskuva: Muovinen lahjapussi, jossa valkoista ainetta sisällä.


Ma­ke a toi­let clea­ning muf­fin for a gift, for examp­le

Mix 3 dl of ba­king so­da and 1.5 dl of cit­ric acid. Put 3 tab­les­poons of dish­was­her de­ter­gent in anot­her dish, add 20 drops of es­sen­tial pep­per­mint oil and mix. Add the de­ter­gent mix­tu­re to the dry ing­re­dients. Mould the mix­tu­re in­to balls and pla­ce them in muf­fin cups for 24 hours. On­ce rea­dy, sto­re the clea­ning muf­fins in a sea­led con­tai­ner. When you are clea­ning the hou­se, you can drop one clea­ning muf­fin in­to the toi­let bowl and let it sizz­le. Af­ter­wards, just brush the bowl and flush it clean.


Kuvituskuva: Märkä lattiakaivo


Get­ting floor drains clean with a sizz­le

An ef­fi­cient way to clean floor drains: pour ½–1 dl of ba­king so­da and 1–2 dl of spi­rit vi­ne­gar in­to a floor drain. When the sizz­ling stops, run a coup­le of lit­res of hot wa­ter in­to the drain.