General information

General information about A‑Kruunu

A-Kruunu Oy is a state-owned special assignment company operating under the guidance of the Ministry of the Environment. Its task is to build affordable rental housing. The company's mission is also to promote wood construction, housing innovations, circular economy and low-carbon approach.

The A‑Kruunu company

A-Kruunu Ltd is a special assignment company owned by the State and operating under the guidance of the Ministry of the Environment. The construction of the company's first housing projects began in the summer of 2015. In December 2024 we crossed the 3000 homes mark.

The goal set for A-Kruunu is to build 400 apartments each year. Most of the apartments are to be located in the Helsinki region and the rest in other major growth regions. One of the set targets stated that wooden blocks of flats and other low-carbon frame structures should account for 25% of production. The economic cycles and the feasibility of the sites will be taken into account in the selection of the sites to be constructed. In addition to wood construction, new innovations will be promoted, taking into account the objectives set above.

In selecting the sites for construction, consideration is given to the general demand for rental housing in the residential area and the suitability of the location within the community structure. In addition to timber construction, the construction work seeks to promote new innovations which take the above-mentioned objectives into account.

The majority of housing production takes place in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and its surrounding municipalities. From the beginning of 2019, the operating area has also been extended to some of the other largest urban regions in our country which have a high demand for affordable rental housing.  A-Kruunu also contributes significantly to the implementation of larger area project and the development of high-quality urban housing in its operating areas.

A-Kruunu is almost carbon neutral in terms of emissions caused by its own operations, and is also determined to reduce emissions in the value chain.

Good resident selection principles are applied to the selection of residents in order to offer the rental homes to households most in need of affordable rental housing. At the same time, a diverse profile of residents is ensured.

The company operates with a long-term perspective, complies with good practice within the field and operates in accordance with the instructions for state companies’ ownership policy.



A-Kruunu now has more than 3,000 apartments

A-Kruunu in its current form celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2024.  During the year, the construction of 512 apartments was started, and 197 apartments were completed. At the end of the year, the company had 3,063 finished apartments. The Annual General Meeting confirmed the financial statements and elected the Board of Directors.

‘In 2024, we launched several important projects that realise our company’s goals to be a company that develops housing and residential construction and is a responsible producer of high-quality rental housing. The projects include solutions that support sustainable development and improve liveability. The completion of the 3,000th apartment at the Sompasaari site in Helsinki shows how well-located our apartments are,’ says Managing Director Jari Mäkimattila.

During the year under review, adaptability of apartments was piloted on the site completed in Verkkosaarenranta in Helsinki, the site completed in Postipuisto in Helsinki received spaces that promote communality, and the site built in Sompasaari included apartments that combine work and living. The reuse of concrete elements is being piloted on sites that are currently under construction in Härmälänranta, Tampere, and in Vuosaari, Helsinki, biodiversity is being promoted.

‘In 2024, our activities related to responsibility focused particularly on promoting biodiversity and the well-being of personnel. We have a biodiversity promotion plan that covers practical means of managing impacts throughout the value chain. As the first step of the plan, we implemented the yard instructions in 2024,’ says Mäkimattila, further highlighting the role of personnel in responsibility work.

‘Our goal is communal and healthy personnel, so we invest in appropriate working conditions and a communal corporate culture.’

The Annual General Meeting set the target for annual production at 400 apartments, while taking into account the economic cycles and the feasibility of the sites. In addition, one of the set targets stated that wooden blocks of flats and other low-carbon frame structures should account for 25% of production.

The Annual General Meeting confirmed A-Kruunu's financial statements, granted a discharge to the Board of Directors and the Managing Director, and elected the members for the Board of Directors for the following year. Matti Vatilo will continue as Chair of the Board and Teppo Salmikivi as Vice-Chair. Jannica Aalto, Johanna Korpi and Mira Haug will continue as Board Members. Tuomas Palasto was elected as a new member. KPMG will continue as the auditor with Mauri Eskelinen as its principal auditor.


Key fi­gu­res 2024, si­tua­tion 31 De­cem­ber 2024

Turnover (1 Jan - Dec 31) 30.9 M €
Balance sheet 659.4 M €
Number of staff 34
Finished apartments 3,063
Average rent 15.38 € / m2
Occupancy rate of apartments 99.15%
Resident turnover 22.86%
Apartments under construction 710
Planned apartments approx. 900

Mo­re in­for­ma­tion:


Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tor Jari Mäkimattila

tel. +358 (0)40 755 3924