Resident pages

Welcome home!

On the Resident pages you can find important information related to everyday life and housing, such as the property manager’s and maintenance’s details as well as the contact details of rent supervision and customer service.

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Espoon Kaarlo Sarkian katu

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Tapiolan Lämpö Oy
Tel. 020 750 5300

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Espoon Kiannonkatu

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance Kotikatu Pohjois-Leppävaara
Tel. 020 755 8540

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Espoon Paapuuri

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Tapiolan Lämpö Oy
Tel. 020 750 5300

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Espoon Ruutikellarintie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Pro­per­ty main­te­nan­ce: Tapiolan Lämpö Oy
Tel. 020 750 5300

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Espoon Syvänsalmenkatu

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Pro­per­ty main­te­nan­ce: Ko­ti­ka­tu Espoonlahti
Tel. 010 270 8760

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Helsingin Fregatti Dygdenin kuja

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Kalasatama
Tel. 010 270 8610

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Helsingin Korvatunturintie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Mellunmäki
Tel. 0207495100

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Hel­sin­gin Län­si­sa­ta­man­ka­tu

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Jätkäsaari Oy
Tel. 010 270 8890

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Helsingin Maisemamaalauksenkatu

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Kannelmäki
Tel.  0102708250

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Helsingin Pasilankatu 13

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Pasila
Tel. 010 270 8620

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Helsingin Svanströminkuja

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kiinteistöhuolto Vilander Oy
Tel. 09 669 318

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Helsingin Taidemaalarinkatu

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Kannelmäki
Tel.  0102708250

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Helsingin Turumankatu 11 & Pojamankatu 10

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Laajasalo
Tel. 010 270 8420

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Helsingin Työnjohtajankatu

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: HT-Kiin­teis­tö­pal­ve­lu Oy
Tel. 0400 700 611

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Hyvinkään Astreankatu

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: P. Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy
Tel. 040 6879800

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Hyvinkään Iltamantie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: P.Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy
040 6879800

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Hyvinkään Kuusikontie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: P.Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy
Tel. 040 6879800

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Järvenpään Kurkiaurankatu

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Laten KH-Palvelut Oy
Tel. 0400 599 895

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Järvenpään Väärävarsi

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Laten KH-Palvelut Oy
Tel. 0400 599 895

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Jy­väs­ky­län Äi­jä­län­ran­nan­tie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Sulun Kiinteistönhoito Oy
Tel. 010 820 9330

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Jyväskylän Tiilitehtaantie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: TL-Maint Oy
Tel. 020 762 2480

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Kauniaisten Bredanportti

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Kauniainen
Tel. 010 2708780

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Keravan Kaakkurinpolku

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Laten KH-Palvelut Oy
Tel. 0400 599 895

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Keravan Palopellonkatu

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Laten KH-Palvelut Oy
Tel. 0400 599 895

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Kirkkonummen Pakrintie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kirk­ko­num­men Huol­to Oy
Tel. 09-221 9090

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Kirk­ko­num­men Ta­ru­tie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kirkkonummen Huolto Oy
Tel. 09-221 9090

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Kuo­pion Leh­to­nie­men­tie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Kuopio
tel. 020 755 9400

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Lahden Teräsmuorin raitti 1

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Totopro Oy
Tel. 050 320 2755

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Mäntsälän Päivänsäde

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Tr-Kiinteistöhuolto Oy
Tel. 040 501 0335

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Nurmijärven Jouhisarankuja

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kiinteistöpalvelut KIILA Oy
Tel. 045 343 0972

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Nurmijärven Pikkutikankuja

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kiinteistöpalvelut KIILA Oy 
Tel. 045 343 0972

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Nurmijärven Ropakkotie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kiinteistöpalvelut KIILA Oy
Tel. 045 343 0972

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Nur­mi­jär­ven Veh­nä­pel­lon­tie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kiinteistöpalvelut KIILA Oy
Tel. 045 343 0972

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Porvoon Raatimiehenkatu 1 ja 3

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Porvoon Huoltomiehet
Tel. 019 574 8400

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Sipoon Kalliomäenkaari

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Sipoo
Tel. 010 270 8520

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Sipoon Uudensillantie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kiinteistöhuolto Onni
Tel. 01 957 48400

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Tampereen Honkakuusenkatu 5 B ja C & Aihkin­katu 6 A

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Lännen Kiinteistöpalvelu Oy
Tel. 03 314 23400

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Tampereen Raamikatu

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Lännen Kiinteistöpalvelu Oy
Tel. 03 314 23400

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Tampereen Rantakylänraitti

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Tel. 010 270 8040

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Turun Kärsämäentie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kiinteistöhuolto Laine & Nummisto
Tel. 040 8421715

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Tuu­su­lan Met­sä­va­del­man­tie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Laten KH-Palvelut Oy
Tel. 0400 599 895

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Tuusulan Patteristontie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Laten KH-Palvelut Oy
Tel. 0400 599 895

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Vantaan Kaskelantie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Itä-Vantaa
Tel. 010 270 8355

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Vantaan Lummentie

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Tikkurila
Tel. 010 270 8370

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Vantaan Timanttikuja

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Kotikatu Länsi-Vantaa
Tel. 010 270 8360

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Vihdin Tuusankaari

On this page you can find contact information for your home's maintenance company, housekeeping, rent control and customer service. On the page you can also see the target's brochure and rescue plan.

Property maintenance: Lassila & Tikanoja
Tel. 010 636 5000