Information for residents who intend to move out
This page contains useful information for those who are planning to move out of their A-Kruunu apartment
General instructions
The period of notice for all A-Kruunu apartments is one full calendar month, in accordance with the Act on Residential Leases. The period of notice shall begin on the last day of the calendar month during which the housing lease is terminated and the notice of termination has been communicated to the landlord in writing. In other words, the lease will end at the earliest at the end of the month following termination.
Terminating your tenancy agreement
You can terminate your tenancy agreement electronically using your online banking ID here, or you can print a notice of termination for your tenancy agreement here. Fill in and send the scanned paper form by email to vuokraus@a-kruunu.fi or by mail to A-Kruunu Oy, vuokraus, Pasilankatu 13, 00520 Helsinki. If there are any issues with the electronic termination service, please fill in the paper form.
If your tenancy agreement has been made for two people, both people must submit their own electronic notification of tenancy agreement termination or sign one joint notice of termination form. Please also note that in a situation where the apartment is used as a shared home for cohabiting partners or spouses, you must also obtain your spouse’s consent for the termination, even if they are not a contracting party to the lease agreement.
Termination of the lease agreement by the other party
If the tenancy agreement is terminated by only one party and the other intends to remain in the apartment, the person staying in the apartment must also submit an electronic termination notice to confirm that the entire tenancy agreement and its obligations are to be transferred in their name. Both parties must enter in the additional information field of the notice of termination that one party is staying in the apartment and only the other is moving out.
Once the electronic termination from both parties has been filed, A-Kruunu processes the terminations in such a way that that only the tenancy agreement of the other resident is terminated in accordance with the Act on Residential Leases. Notice of termination by both people must be obtained so that it can be confirmed that the person remaining in the apartment is aware of the other person’s termination of their part of the tenancy agreement. After this, the tenancy agreement will continue in the name of the person who stays in the apartment.
The paper form for terminating the tenancy agreement of a single party is available here.
Moving out and returning the keys
The date of moving out is specified in the A-Kruunu lease. As a rule, the terms and conditions of the lease agreement state that the date of moving out is the end date of the lease agreement. The apartment must be handed over to the lessor on the date of moving out. If the end date of your lease is a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday, you must return the apartment keys to the lock shop on the previous business day. Alternatively, you can hand over the keys directly to the new tenant on the end date of your lease by using the key handover agreement. You can get a key handover agreement from A-Kruunu's customer service department at vuokraus@a-kruunu.fi.
What should I do in the case of death?
Termination of tenancy agreement (estate)
If a tenant has died, the tenant’s lease liabilities and obligations are transferred to the estate.
1. The estate must submit a written notice of termination. Use this form when the tenant or tenants of the apartment have died. The notice of termination requires the signatures of all shareholders of the estate and/or powers of attorney for those shareholders who do not sign the notice of termination themselves.
2. In addition to the notice of termination, you must submit an official certificate or other reliable document indicating all the shareholders of the estate.
3. The period of notice is one calendar month. The period of notice is calculated from the last day of the calendar month during which the lessor has received the notice of termination.
4. The lessor will inspect the apartment during the period of notice to determine the need for renovation. If the representatives of the estate cannot be reached, a master key will be used to conduct the inspection.
5. Please also note that rental compensation will not be paid even if moving out of the apartment takes place before the end of the period of notice.
6. The lessor carries out a final inspection of the apartment after the move-out date indicated in the notice of termination.
7. The lessor will dispose of any goods remaining in the apartment or storage after the termination of the tenancy agreement. The lessor will charge the actual costs of the disposal.
8. The deposit be refunded within approximately one month of the termination of the tenancy agreement, if the rent has been paid, the keys have been returned, the apartment is in good condition and the apartment has been cleaned in accordance with the instructions.
Transfer of lease (estate)
1. In the event of death, the lease can only be transferred to a spouse who already lives in the apartment, a child belonging to the family or the parents of one of the spouses. The person wishing to continue the lease must notify the lessor in writing that they wish to continue the lease within three months of the tenant's death. Once the notification has been submitted and processed, the liability of the estate for meeting the rental conditions will cease and the responsibility will be transferred to the person submitting the notification of the continuation of the lease.
2. A contracting party staying in the apartment must submit an extract/certificate from the Population Information System on the deceased person by e-mail to vuokraus@a-kruunu.fi
Final cleaning
The apartment must be cleaned carefully when moving out. You will find cleaning instructions in the moving-out letter. If the apartment has not been cleaned carefully, the landlord has the right to charge the costs of cleaning.
If defects or repair needs due to causes other than natural wear are found in the apartment, the landlord has the right to charge the costs of the repairs.