A-Kruu­nu Ltd cus­to­mer re­la­tions re­gis­ter desc­rip­tion 21.5.2018


A-Kruu­nu Ltd
Pa­si­lan­ka­tu 13, FI-00520 Hel­sin­ki
Ser­vi­ce Num­ber: 0207 207 100
Bu­si­ness ID 1736841-8
Do­mi­ci­le: Hel­sin­ki

Per­son res­pon­sib­le for re­gis­ter mat­ters
Pet­te­ri Puo­la­ne
Pa­si­lan­ka­tu 13, FI-00520 Hel­sin­ki
Ser­vi­ce Num­ber: 0207 207 100

Re­gis­ter na­me
Re­gis­ter of hou­sing app­li­cants
Re­si­dent Re­gis­ter
Led­ger sys­tems
Pro­ces­sing of apart­ment in­for­ma­tion

What do we use the re­gis­ter for?

Per­so­nal da­ta is col­lec­ted from peop­le who app­ly for a ren­tal apart­ment or par­king spa­ce from A-Kruu­nu Oy. The apart­ment app­li­cant and par­king spa­ce re­gis­ter is used and per­so­nal da­ta is pro­ces­sed wit­hin the li­mits per­mit­ted and re­qui­red by the Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Act for ma­na­ging, ma­na­ging and de­ve­lo­ping the cus­to­mer re­la­tions­hip, ana­ly­sis and sta­tis­tics. The cus­to­mer da­ta con­tai­ned in the re­gis­ter can be used in con­nec­tion with apart­ment and par­king spa­ce re­ser­va­tions and the conc­lu­sion of a ren­tal ag­ree­ment, as well as for the mar­ke­ting of the cont­rol­ler and the com­pa­nies be­lon­ging to the sa­me group.

Per­so­nal da­ta is col­lec­ted from per­sons who comp­le­te a te­nan­cy ag­ree­ment with A-Kruu­nu Ltd or who li­ve in an A-Kruu­nu ren­tal ho­me. The re­si­dent re­gis­ter is used and the per­so­nal da­ta wit­hin are pro­ces­sed wit­hin the li­mits per­mit­ted and re­qui­red by the Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Law for the ma­na­ge­ment, ad­mi­nist­ra­tion and de­ve­lop­ment of cus­to­mer re­la­tions­hips as well as for ana­ly­sis, sta­tis­tics, and ac­ti­vi­ties re­la­ting to re­si­dents’ de­moc­ra­cy. The per­so­nal da­ta of the in­ha­bi­tants may be used in the na­me tab­le for the stair­way, on the doors of the apart­ments, in the sau­na and wash room ti­me­tab­les and for ot­her si­mi­lar pur­po­ses. In ad­di­tion, per­so­nal da­ta may fea­tu­re in the mo­ni­to­ring of apart­ment-spe­ci­fic ener­gy and wa­ter con­sump­tion as well as in ot­her mea­su­re­ments ma­de with buil­ding tech­no­lo­gy.

For the ma­na­ge­ment of ren­tal pay­ments, we need the cus­to­mer's per­so­nal da­ta for the bil­ling and col­lec­tion of rent, use char­ges, re­pair in­voi­ces and ot­her in­voi­ces, as well as the re­la­ted ser­vi­ce pro­vi­ded.

The cus­to­mer's per­so­nal da­ta is nee­ded in ca­ses of apart­ment-re­la­ted fai­lu­re re­ports, re­pairs, ins­pec­tions and rep­la­ce­ments.

Personal data and contact details of the applicant/resident, information on current housing, wishes concerning the apartment or parking space to be applied for, reason for applying for the apartment, monthly income, wealth and loans, credit information, other information provided by the data subject in combination with the rental apartments’ information, footage obtained via camera surveillance of properties, including place, time and date. No access log register created through the use of electronic keys and locks is collected in our properties.

Per­so­nal da­ta is col­lec­ted from the cus­to­mer when re­gis­te­ring for the mai­ling list, app­lying for an apart­ment or par­king spa­ce, in the ren­tal ag­ree­ment and their fault re­ports and no­ti­ce of ter­mi­na­tion forms.

From the Po­pu­la­tion Re­gis­ter, we can check the cor­rect­ness of per­so­nal da­ta when a ren­tal app­li­ca­tion is ma­de and al­so check the re­si­dent de­tails for our ho­mes.

We col­lect cre­dit and pay­ment be­ha­viour da­ta from the re­gis­ter of Suo­men Asia­kas­tie­to Oy.

Whe­re do we re­gu­lar­ly disc­lo­se in­for­ma­tion to and do we trans­fer it to out­si­de of the EU or the Eu­ro­pean Eco­no­mic Area?

In­for­ma­tion on the te­nants who­se debts are sub­mit­ted for col­lec­tion (per­so­nal da­ta of the deb­tor and lia­bi­li­ties of the deb­tor) is re­gu­lar­ly disc­lo­sed to the part­ner or­ga­ni­sa­tions car­rying out the debt col­lec­tion.

Coo­pe­ra­tion part­ners res­pon­sib­le for ma­na­ging the ren­tal of apart­ments at any par­ti­cu­lar ti­me are pro­vi­ded with in­for­ma­tion about the app­li­cants (per­so­nal da­ta and con­tact de­tails, cur­rent hou­sing in­for­ma­tion, pre­fe­ren­ces con­cer­ning hou­sing app­li­ca­tions, rea­son for app­lying for hou­sing, month­ly in­co­me, wealth and loans, cre­dit in­for­ma­tion, ot­her da­ta pro­vi­ded by the da­ta sub­ject) for the pur­po­se of se­lec­ting te­nants and ma­king the te­nan­cy ag­ree­ment.

Coo­pe­ra­tion part­ners that ha­ve sig­ned ag­ree­ments to ma­na­ge the pro­per­ties are pro­vi­ded with in­for­ma­tion on the te­nants (na­me, add­ress and con­tact de­tails) in or­der to car­ry out their pro­per­ty ma­na­ge­ment tasks.

Coo­pe­ra­tion part­ners that ha­ve sig­ned ag­ree­ments for the ser­vi­ce and main­te­nan­ce of the pro­per­ties are pro­vi­ded with in­for­ma­tion on the te­nants (na­me, add­ress and con­tact de­tails) for the pur­po­se of car­rying out re­pairs in the apart­ments.

Pro­per­ty no­ti­ce boards disp­lay stair­ca­se lists which in­di­ca­te the apart­ment num­ber and the re­si­dent's last na­me.

The mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ties are re­gu­lar­ly pro­vi­ded with in­for­ma­tion on the se­lec­tion of re­si­dents ba­sed on the Go­vern­ment Dec­ree on the se­lec­tion of re­si­dents for ARA­VA hou­sing and sub­si­di­sed hou­sing.

The Hou­sing Fi­nan­ce and De­ve­lop­ment Cent­re of Fin­land has the right to ob­tain the in­for­ma­tion it needs for car­rying out its tasks as a su­per­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty.

No ot­her da­ta in the re­gist­ry is disc­lo­sed. The cont­rol­ler does not trans­fer da­ta to out­si­de the EU or Eu­ro­pean Eco­no­mic Area.

The abo­ve-men­tio­ned cont­ract part­ners are bound by the ob­li­ga­tion of pro­fes­sio­nal sec­re­cy and by the Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Ag­ree­ment. The Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Ag­ree­ment ma­kes ag­ree­ment bet­ween A-Kruu­nu Ltd and the part­ner on mat­ters re­la­ting to the EU Ge­ne­ral Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Re­gu­la­tion.

How long do we sto­re the per­so­nal da­ta?
The da­ta of a cus­to­mer who has sub­mit­ted the ren­tal app­li­ca­tion is kept for six years from the sub­mis­sion of the app­li­ca­tion, un­less the cus­to­mer comp­le­tes a te­nan­cy ag­ree­ment.

In­for­ma­tion ba­sed on the te­nan­cy ag­ree­ment is kept for six years af­ter the te­nan­cy ag­ree­ment has been ter­mi­na­ted and the ob­li­ga­tions re­la­ted to the te­nan­cy ha­ve been ful­fil­led, un­less A-Kruu­nu has the right and ob­li­ga­tion to keep the in­for­ma­tion for lon­ger, such as with the col­lec­tion of outs­tan­ding rent.

Da­ta is col­lec­ted in da­ta­ba­ses that are pro­tec­ted by fi­re­walls, pass­words and ot­her tech­ni­cal means. The­re are rest­ric­ted ac­cess rights to da­ta sto­red in the IT sys­tem, and the­se ac­cess rights are pro­tec­ted by a user na­me and pass­word.

Ma­nual ma­te­rial is sto­red in a loc­ked and mo­ni­to­red lo­ca­tion.

How can you check and up­da­te your per­so­nal da­ta in the re­gis­ter?

On the ba­sis of the Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Law, the da­ta sub­ject has the right to check what in­for­ma­tion re­la­ting to them is sto­red in the per­so­nal re­gis­ter. You can send an ins­pec­tion re­quest to vuok­raus@a-kruu­nu.fi.

We will res­pond to the re­quest no la­ter than one month af­ter it has been sub­mit­ted and at the sa­me ti­me we will ve­ri­fy the iden­ti­ty of the per­son ma­king the re­quest. The da­ta sub­ject may re­quest the rec­ti­fi­ca­tion of in­cor­rect da­ta, in which ca­se the cont­rol­ler shall de­ci­de on the rec­ti­fi­ca­tion of the da­ta.

You ha­ve the right to lod­ge a comp­laint with the Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Om­buds­man at tie­to­suo­ja@om.fi if you be­lie­ve that we, in our ro­le as the cont­rol­ler, ha­ve not comp­lied with the da­ta pro­tec­tion re­gu­la­tions in for­ce.

The da­ta of a cus­to­mer who has sub­mit­ted the ren­tal app­li­ca­tion is kept for six years from the sub­mis­sion of the app­li­ca­tion, un­less the cus­to­mer comp­le­tes a te­nan­cy ag­ree­ment.

In­for­ma­tion ba­sed on the te­nan­cy ag­ree­ment is kept for six years af­ter the te­nan­cy ag­ree­ment has been ter­mi­na­ted and the ob­li­ga­tions re­la­ted to the te­nan­cy ha­ve been ful­fil­led, un­less A-Kruu­nu has the right and ob­li­ga­tion to keep the in­for­ma­tion for lon­ger, such as with the col­lec­tion of outs­tan­ding rent.

A-Kruu­nu Ltd sta­ke­hol­der re­gis­ter desc­rip­tion 21.5.2018


A-Kruu­nu Ltd
Pa­si­lan­ka­tu 13, FI-00520 Hel­sin­ki
Ser­vi­ce Num­ber: 0207 207 100
Bu­si­ness ID 1736841-8
Do­mi­ci­le: Hel­sin­ki

Per­son res­pon­sib­le for re­gis­ter mat­ters
Riik­ka Vi­ta­kos­ki
Pa­si­lan­ka­tu 13, FI-00520 Hel­sin­ki
Ser­vi­ce Num­ber: 0207 207 100

Tab­le na­me
Const­ruc­tion and re­pair si­te in­for­ma­tion

What do we use the re­gis­ter for?

The pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal da­ta re­la­ting to const­ruc­tion and re­pair si­tes is ba­sed on the pre­pa­ra­tion and ful­fil­ment of a cont­ract with the da­ta sub­ject or a com­pa­ny rep­re­sen­ted by them. Per­so­nal da­ta are col­lec­ted on the ba­sis le­gal re­qui­re­ments (e.g. Land Use and Buil­ding Act 132 / 1999, Act on the Cont­rac­tor's Ob­li­ga­tions and Lia­bi­li­ty 1233 / 2006, Oc­cu­pa­tio­nal Sa­fe­ty and Health Act 738 / 2002 and the Act on Ta­xa­tion Pro­ce­du­res 1558 / 1995).

The pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal da­ta col­lec­ted for pro­cu­re­ments is ba­sed on an ag­ree­ment with the da­ta sub­ject or a com­pa­ny rep­re­sen­ted by them. This can be col­lec­ted on the ba­sis of the le­gal re­qui­re­ments (such as the Act on the Cont­rac­tor's Ob­li­ga­tions and Lia­bi­li­ty 1233 / 2006).

The in­for­ma­tion col­lec­ted for sta­ke­hol­der coo­pe­ra­tion is ba­sed on con­sent gi­ven and the le­gi­ti­ma­te in­te­rests of A-Kruu­nu.

In the rec­ruit­ment pro­cess, we col­lect per­so­nal da­ta for as­ses­sing can­di­da­te sui­ta­bi­li­ty and dra­wing up an emp­loy­ment cont­ract.

The pur­po­se of the Whist­leb­lo­wing sys­tem is to mo­ni­tor A-Kruu­nu Oy's ope­ra­tions. The pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal da­ta is ba­sed on the law and the le­gi­ti­ma­te in­te­rest of A-Kruu­nu Oy.

The chan­nel al­lows A-Kruu­nu Oy to mo­ni­tor its comp­lian­ce with the ru­les and laws re­la­ted to its de­ci­sion-ma­king and cont­rol sys­tem. The sys­tem al­lows the per­son to fi­le

a re­port of il­le­gal ac­ti­vi­ties, such as fi­nan­cial con­fu­sion, conf­licts of in­te­rest, cor­rup­tion, abu­se and ot­her il­le­gal ac­ti­vi­ties. 

This in­for­ma­tion is used to mo­ni­tor and in­ves­ti­ga­te abu­ses. In ad­di­tion, the da­ta can be used for mo­ni­to­ring de­ve­lop­ment, ana­ly­sis and sta­tis­tics as well as in­ter­nal re­por­ting.

The list of per­sons emp­lo­yed on the const­ruc­tion and re­pair si­te un­der the act on cont­rac­tor lia­bi­li­ty, the Oc­cu­pa­tio­nal Sa­fe­ty and Health Act and the Act on Ta­xa­tion Pro­ce­du­res may inc­lu­de, among ot­her things, the fol­lo­wing per­so­nal da­ta: na­me, per­so­nal iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber (or cor­res­pon­ding fo­reign iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber), port­rait pho­to, na­tu­re of emp­loy­ment or ser­vi­ce re­la­tions­hip, ho­me sta­te, con­tact de­tails, tax num­ber, A1 or E101 cer­ti­fi­ca­te or ot­her ba­sis for the right to work, emp­lo­yer, and work hours or work days comp­le­ted.

In­for­ma­tion col­lec­ted for sta­ke­hol­der col­la­bo­ra­tion inc­lu­des the per­son's na­me, po­si­tion in the com­pa­ny, con­tact in­for­ma­tion, emp­lo­yer and their con­tact de­tails, and in­for­ma­tion re­la­ted to guest events.

Da­ta en­te­red in­to the pro­cu­re­ment sys­tem inc­lu­des in­for­ma­tion on the part­ner com­pa­ny's con­tact per­son, na­me and con­tact in­for­ma­tion, and in­for­ma­tion re­qui­red by the Act on the Cont­rac­tor's Ob­li­ga­tions and Lia­bi­li­ty.

In the job app­li­ca­tion pro­cess, we re­gis­ter per­so­nal da­ta pro­vi­ded by the per­son in their job app­li­ca­tion, in their CV, and th­rough in­ter­views and ap­ti­tu­de as­sess­ments.

The Whist­leb­lo­wing re­gis­ter may con­tain the fol­lo­wing per­so­nal da­ta on the dec­la­rant, the sub­ject of the re­port and ot­her re­le­vant per­sons:

- Dec­la­rant’s na­me, per­so­nal da­ta and ot­her con­tact in­for­ma­tion, such as add­ress, te­lep­ho­ne num­ber, e-mail add­ress. Re­ports can al­so be sub­mit­ted ano­ny­mous­ly.

- In­for­ma­tion on the re­port, such as the na­me of the sub­ject, in­for­ma­tion on ac­ti­vi­ties that vio­la­te the law (e.g. pla­ce and ti­me), in­for­ma­tion on the wit­ness, in­for­ma­tion re­la­ted to the fi­ling and pro­ces­sing of the re­port 
and mes­sa­ges (inc­lu­ding re­port co­de and sta­tus)

- Pos­sib­le ot­her in­for­ma­tion pro­vi­ded by the dec­la­rant them­self.

In ad­di­tion, da­ta is sto­red in the chan­nel from the re­port pro­ces­sors, such as na­me, job tit­le, e-mail add­ress, user IDs, log da­ta on the use of the sys­tem. 

As a ge­ne­ral ru­le, on­ly in­for­ma­tion pro­vi­ded by the da­ta sub­ject them­sel­ves is en­te­red in­to the re­gis­ter, whet­her this be pro­vi­ded when ma­king cont­racts or or­ders or in ot­her in­te­rac­tions bet­ween the da­ta sub­ject and the cont­rol­ler. Up­da­tes to the in­for­ma­tion may al­so be ob­tai­ned from the aut­ho­ri­ties and com­pa­nies pro­vi­ding up­da­te ser­vi­ces.

Per­so­nal da­ta re­la­ting to work si­tes and pro­cu­re­ments are ob­tai­ned from the main cont­rac­tor, the in­di­vi­duals’ emp­lo­yers, col­lea­gues or the per­sons them­sel­ves.

For the sta­ke­hol­der re­gis­ter, in­for­ma­tion is col­lec­ted from in­di­vi­duals them­sel­ves and their emp­lo­yers, and al­so from A-Kruu­nu emp­lo­yees and pub­lic in­for­ma­tion sour­ces.

In the job app­li­ca­tion pro­cess, in­for­ma­tion is ob­tai­ned eit­her from the app­li­cant or from the re­fe­rees pro­vi­ded by them.

We col­lect cre­dit and pay­ment be­ha­viour da­ta from the re­gis­ter of Suo­men Asia­kas­tie­to Oy.

In­for­ma­tion spe­ci­fied in the Act on the Cont­rac­tor's Ob­li­ga­tions and Lia­bi­li­ty can be col­lec­ted from the Ti­laa­ja­vas­tuu.fi ser­vi­ce.

The pri­ma­ry sour­ce of da­ta to be sto­red in the Whist­leb­lo­wing re­gist­ry is the dec­la­rant them­self.

In the A-Kruu­nu re­por­ting chan­nel, in­for­ma­tion can be disc­lo­sed by all for­mer and cur­rent emp­lo­yees of A-Kruu­nu, whi­te col­lar emp­lo­yees or per­sons ot­her­wi­se in a com­mis­sion re­la­tions­hip with A-Kruu­nu as well as per­sons out­si­de A-Kruu­nu who ha­ve an app­rop­ria­te con­nec­tion with A-Kruu­nu, such as emp­lo­yees of A-Kruu­nu’s part­ners or sub­cont­rac­tors.

In ad­di­tion, the da­ta con­sists of the da­ta sto­red du­ring the abu­se re­port pro­ces­sing.

Ot­her sour­ces of in­for­ma­tion are used wit­hin the li­mits laid down in the law.

Whe­re do we re­gu­lar­ly disc­lo­se in­for­ma­tion to and do we trans­fer it to out­si­de of the EU or the Eu­ro­pean Eco­no­mic Area?

Per­so­nal da­ta in the re­gis­ter is not trans­fer­red to third par­ties, with the ex­cep­tion of cont­rac­ting part­ners who are bound by the ob­li­ga­tion of pro­fes­sio­nal sec­re­cy and the Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Ag­ree­ment and are car­rying out a spe­ci­fic task on be­half of A-Kruu­nu, such as ma­na­ge­ment, pro­cu­re­ment, com­mu­ni­ca­tion or rec­ruit­ment tasks for a const­ruc­tion or re­pair pro­ject. The Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Ag­ree­ment ma­kes ag­ree­ment bet­ween A-Kruu­nu Ltd and the part­ner on mat­ters re­la­ting to the EU Ge­ne­ral Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Re­gu­la­tion. In­for­ma­tion may al­so be disc­lo­sed to par­ties who ha­ve a le­gal right to ac­cess it.
No ot­her da­ta in the re­gist­ry is disc­lo­sed. The cont­rol­ler does not trans­fer da­ta to out­si­de the EU or Eu­ro­pean Eco­no­mic Area.

A-Kruu­nu Oy uses an ex­ter­nal ser­vi­ce pro­vi­der to ma­na­ge the Whist­leb­lo­wing sys­tem and pro­cess re­ports. In this ca­se, per­so­nal da­ta is trans­fer­red to an ex­ter­nal ser­vi­ce pro­vi­der

on­ly to the ex­tent ne­ces­sa­ry to imp­le­ment the Whist­leb­lo­wing-chan­nel.

In­for­ma­tion col­lec­ted un­der the Land Use and Buil­ding Act, the Act on the Cont­rac­tor's Ob­li­ga­tions and Lia­bi­li­ty, the Oc­cu­pa­tio­nal Sa­fe­ty and Health Act and the Act on Ta­xa­tion Pro­ce­du­res shall be kept for six years af­ter the end of the year in which the si­te or work was comp­le­ted or en­ded. If ot­her re­ten­tion pe­riods are laid down in the law, we will comp­ly with the­se. The da­ta col­lec­ted on the ba­sis of cont­racts shall be kept for ten years from the ter­mi­na­tion of the cont­rac­tual re­la­tions­hip and the ful­fil­ment of the re­sul­ting ob­li­ga­tions.

The per­son's da­ta shall be kept in the sta­ke­hol­der re­gis­ter un­til the per­son con­cer­ned cea­ses ac­ting in the po­si­tion which was the rea­son for them being ori­gi­nal­ly en­te­red in the re­gis­ter.

The in­for­ma­tion col­lec­ted in the job app­li­ca­tion pro­cess is kept for two years af­ter the end of the app­li­ca­tion pe­riod, un­less the app­li­ca­tion re­sults in an emp­loy­ment re­la­tions­hip.

The da­ta to be sto­red in the Whist­leb­lo­wing re­gis­ter shall be kept for as long as ne­ces­sa­ry for the pur­po­se of mo­ni­to­ring or due to le­gal ob­li­ga­tions.

As a ru­le, re­port da­ta is sto­red for 90 days from the con­fir­ma­tion of the re­port, un­less it is ne­ces­sa­ry to keep the da­ta furt­her due to on­going cri­mi­nal in­ves­ti­ga­tion, trial or in­ves­ti­ga­tion by the aut­ho­ri­ties, or in or­der to sa­fe­guard the rights of the per­son ma­king the re­port or the per­son who is the sub­ject of the re­port.

Da­ta is col­lec­ted in da­ta­ba­ses that are pro­tec­ted by fi­re­walls, pass­words and ot­her tech­ni­cal means. The­re are rest­ric­ted ac­cess rights to da­ta sto­red in the IT sys­tem, and the­se ac­cess rights are pro­tec­ted by a user na­me and pass­word.

Ma­nual ma­te­rial is sto­red in a loc­ked and mo­ni­to­red lo­ca­tion.

A-Kruu­nu's re­por­ting chan­nel has been imp­le­men­ted in the First Whist­le sys­tem of Juu­ri­har­ja Con­sul­ting Group Oy. The elect­ro­ni­cal­ly pro­ces­sed da­ta con­tai­ned in the re­gis­ter are pro­tec­ted by fi­re­walls, pass­words and ot­her tech­ni­cal means ge­ne­ral­ly ac­cep­ted in the se­cu­ri­ty sec­tors.

Tech­ni­cal­ly, each re­port ma­de th­rough the A-Kruu­nu re­por­ting chan­nel inc­lu­des:

- an iden­ti­fier, a num­ber that on­ly the dec­la­rant knows

- in­for­ma­tion on the sta­tus of the re­le­vant re­port: re­cei­ved / pro­ces­sing / pro­ces­sed

- ad­di­tio­nal re­quests and ans­wers wit­hout de­tails

On­ly iden­ti­fied cont­rol­lers shall ha­ve ac­cess to the da­ta con­tai­ned in the re­gis­ter with the right gran­ted by the cont­rol­ler. The dec­la­rant can on­ly see their own no­ti­fi­ca­tion in the sys­tem. 

How can you check and up­da­te your per­so­nal da­ta in the re­gis­ter?

On the ba­sis of the Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Law, the da­ta sub­ject has the right to check what in­for­ma­tion re­la­ting to them is sto­red in the per­so­nal re­gis­ter. You can send an ins­pec­tion re­quest to vuok­raus@a-kruu­nu.fi.
We will res­pond to the re­quest no la­ter than one month af­ter it has been sub­mit­ted and at the sa­me ti­me we will ve­ri­fy the iden­ti­ty of the per­son ma­king the re­quest. The da­ta sub­ject may re­quest the rec­ti­fi­ca­tion of in­cor­rect da­ta, in which ca­se the cont­rol­ler shall de­ci­de on the rec­ti­fi­ca­tion of the da­ta.

You ha­ve the right to lod­ge a comp­laint with the Da­ta Pro­tec­tion Om­buds­man at tie­to­suo­ja@om.fi if you be­lie­ve that we, in our ro­le as the cont­rol­ler, ha­ve not comp­lied with the da­ta pro­tec­tion re­gu­la­tions in for­ce.