Information on applying for an apartment
All A-Kruunu apartments are ARA rental apartments, so, when selecting residents, we follow the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland's (ARA) resident selection guidelines.
All of our rental apartments are rented on the basis of the housing applications received. After the application has been submitted, you will be automatically involved in the selection of residents in all apartments corresponding to your application.
Resident selection criteria for ARA housing
All A-Kruunu apartments are ARA rental apartments, so, when selecting residents, we follow the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland's (ARA) resident selection guidelines. Our aim is to offer apartments to those most in need, taking into account people with the most urgent need for housing, the lowest income and the least amount of wealth.
Income limit
When applying for an A-Kruunu home, the applicant's gross income must not exceed the income limit. As a rule, income is calculated based on the previous 12-month average. Income includes wages, taxable benefits, dividends and rental income. Excluded benefits are housing allowance, child benefit, child support, child maintenance allowance, maternity allowance, student financial aid and informal carer's allowance, among others.
The monthly income of a single-person household may not exceed EUR 3,540. If the household includes more than one person aged 18 or over, the income limit for each such person is increased by EUR 2,480. If the household includes children under the age of 18, the income limit is increased by EUR 650 for the first child and by EUR 600 for each additional child.
Persons in a household | Income limit |
1 adult | €3,540 |
2 adults | €6,020 |
1 adult and 1 child | €4,190 |
1 adult and 2 children | €4,790 |
1 adult and 3 children | €5,,390 |
2 adults and 1 child | €6,670 |
2 adults and 2 children | €7,270 |
2 adults and 3 children | €7,879 |
We ask for the necessary income statements, etc. only from the recipients of the housing offer and we calculate the income based on the statements we request.
When applying for an A-Kruunu apartment, the applicant's wealth must be within the wealth limits specified for each municipality. Wealth limits are determined according to the size of the household, and municipalities review them annually.
Below are the municipality-specific wealth limits. Assets at the time of application and the assets waived by the applicant during the year preceding the submission of the application shall be taken into account as wealth. Earned income does not count as assets. The debts of the applicant household are deducted from the assets. Both wealth and debts must be reported on the housing application and verified with appendices after you have received an offer.
Wealth includes:
- A property or unit in a housing cooperative owned by the applicant for which a reliable estimate of the sales value of the property is required.
- Shares and funds. The value at the time of the application is taken into account.
- Other significant assets (e.g. deposits, forest holdings)
The value of your owner-occupied dwelling located in the municipality of origin may be deducted from the assets to be taken into consideration if you are moving to another municipality due to work and it is not sensible to commute daily due to long distances.