Tips for bathroom
Bathroom maintenance is an important part of home care. Here you'll find tips on cleaning, tidying up, doing laundry and using water responsibly.
Durable, washable cleaning rags
You can crochet your cleaning rags – washable and reusable cleaning rags replace disposable versions. Crochet the cleaning rags from medium-strength knitting or crochet yarn made of cotton or cotton mix. Easy instructions on how to crochet cleaning rags can be found on the internet.
Make a toilet cleaning muffin for a gift, for example
Mix 3 dl of baking soda and 1.5 dl of citric acid. Put 3 tablespoons of dishwasher detergent in another dish, add 20 drops of essential peppermint oil and mix. Add the detergent mixture to the dry ingredients. Mould the mixture into balls and place them in muffin cups for 24 hours. Once ready, store the cleaning muffins in a sealed container. When you are cleaning the house, you can drop one cleaning muffin into the toilet bowl and let it sizzle. Afterwards, just brush the bowl and flush it clean.
Getting floor drains clean with a sizzle
An efficient way to clean floor drains: pour ½–1 dl of baking soda and 1–2 dl of spirit vinegar into a floor drain. When the sizzling stops, run a couple of litres of hot water into the drain.