Resident page

Espoon Paapuuri

Paapuuri 2, 02330 Espoo


  • 49 homes
  • 1–4 rooms + kitchen

Property maintenance: Tapiolan Lämpö Oy


  • maintenance, cleaning, snow work
  • moving and fault reports
  • booking of sauna shifts

Mäntyviita 2, 02110 Espoo
Customer service open on weekdays 8.00 - 15.00
Customer service 020 750 5300
Fault reports 24/7 Tel. 020 750 5300
Make your maintenance request here


Pro­per­ty Ma­na­ge­ment

A-Kruunu Ltd
Sara Silfverhuth
Tel. 0207 207 125

Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.

Rent su­per­vi­sion

0207 207 100
mo–fr 12.00–14.30
Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.

Customer service and par­king spa­ces

0207 207 100
mo–fr 12.00–14.30
Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.