Now open for application

Tampereen Suorannankatu 18

25 new, comfortable rental apartments will be built to the Lamminpää area in Tampere. The new Nauhatehdas residential area emerges next to the traditional Lamminpää single-family house area, a former small-scale industrial area. Lamminpää is located west of Tampere, it has excellent transport connections and services, and the versatile Teivo outdoor and sports facilities are right next door.

News & Blog

Ilkivallan aiheuttamat kustannukset ovat muusta pois

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Sustainable living

Guidelines for sorting waste

Sorting and recycling are important parts of waste reduction. When waste is sorted correctly, it can be used as efficiently as possible. When each of us carefully sorts our waste, it keeps waste management costs under control - and we feel the savings directly in our pockets.

Group tenancy

A new kind of communality in a group rental

A-Kruu­nu has de­ve­lo­ped a new group ren­tal con­cept to­get­her with Tal­li Arc­hi­tects. The idea of ​​group ren­ting is that se­ve­ral re­si­dents li­ve in the sa­me apart­ment, each with their own ren­tal ag­ree­ment. The first group ren­tal apart­ments we­re comp­le­ted in Hel­sin­ki's Kruu­nu­vuo­ren­ran­ta in the Haa­ko­nin­lah­ti block in Oc­to­ber 2021, and they we­re built spe­ci­fi­cal­ly to ser­ve the pur­po­se of group ren­tal hou­sing. In Oc­to­ber 2022, 7 group ren­tal apart­ments we­re comp­le­ted on Län­si­sa­ta­man­ka­tu in Jät­kä­saa­ri, and the next group ren­tal apart­ments will be comp­le­ted on Kont­ti­nos­tu­ri­ku­ja in Nih­ti in Ju­ne 2024.


Frequently asked questions

We compiled answers to frequently asked questions for people applying for rental housing from A-Kruunu, those living in our apartments, and those moving in or out.