Resident page

Espoon Kaarlo Sarkian katu

Kaarlo Sarkiankatu 6, 02600 Espoo


  • 121 homes
  • 1–4 rooms + kitchen

Property maintenance: Tapiolan Lämpö Oy


  • maintenance, cleaning, snow work
  • moving and fault reports
  • booking of sauna shifts

Mäntyviita 2, 02110 Espoo
Customer service open on weekdays 8.00am - 3.00pm
(service point closes at 2.00pm every months second thursday) 
Customer service tel. 020 750 5300
Fault reports 24/7 tel. 020 750 5300
Maintenance request form

Property Management

A-Kruunu Ltd
Reetta Kokkonen
Tel. 020 7207 156

Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.

Rent supervision
Tel. 0207 207 100
Mon–Fri 12:00–14:30
Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.

Customer service and parking spaces
Tel. 0207 207 100
Mon–Fri 12:00–14:30
Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.