Home from Group Tenancy
A-Kruunun yhteisöllisissä ryhmävuokra-asunnoissa yhdistyvät yksityinen ja jaettu tila, jolloin asukkailla on yksiön vuokratasoa vastaavalla vuokralla enemmän ja monipuolisempia tiloja. Kullakin asukkaalla on oma vuokrasopimus.
A New Kind of Community Life Can Be Found In Group Tenancy Homes
A-Kruunu has developed a new group rental concept together with Talli Architects. The idea of group renting is that several residents live in the same apartment, each with their own rental agreement. The first group rental apartments were completed in Helsinki's Kruunuvuorenranta in the Haakoninlahti block in October 2021, and they were built specifically to serve the purpose of group rental housing. In October 2022, 7 group rental apartments were completed on Länsisatamankatu in Jätkäsaari, and Konttinosturikuja in Nihti in December 2024.
Our new concept aims to develop homes with space solutions that combine privacy and shared space. This allows us to offer inhabitants more space and more versatile facilities but for the same price level as a private apartment. Shared living quarters provide a framework for the creation of residential communities, which is an important part of the concept.
Group tenancy housing differs from cell housing in that residents can choose who they live with. This allows the idea of communality to really flourish. Cell housing is often perceived as a form of student housing. Group tenancy homes are not just for students, but rather these new kinds of homes are intended for people of all ages, both for young people and parents.
Our Group Rental Homes:
Helsingin Turumankatu 11 & Pojamankatu 10
Helsingin Länsisatamankatu 29, 00220 Helsinki
Helsingin Konttinosturinkuja 4, 00540 Helsinki
Communal Housing: Benefits and Experiences
Read Johanna Kerovuori's blog about group rental housing (FI)
Read More About Group Tenancy
Kruunuvuorenrantaan uusia A-Kruunun asuntoja
A-Kruunun ensimmäinen ryhmävuokrauskohde Helsingin Turumankatu
Usein kysytyt kysymykset ryhmävuokrauksesta A-Kruunussa
Arkkitehti Riikka Pylväisen esitys Asumisen innovaatiot -seminaarissa
Ryhmävuokraus-konsepti (Helsingin kaupunki)
Palvelevatko miniasunnot lopulta asukkaiden tarpeita? (A-Kruunun blogi 8.9.2020)
Ryhmävuokraustalon rakentaminen käynnistyi (A-Kruunun blogi 27.4.2020)
Ryhmävuokraus-konsepti (Helsingin kaupunki 2023)