Group Tenancy

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A-Kruunun yhteisöllisissä ryhmävuokra-asunnoissa yhdistyvät yksityinen ja jaettu tila, jolloin asukkailla on yksiön vuokratasoa vastaavalla vuokralla enemmän ja monipuolisempia tiloja. Kullakin asukkaalla on oma vuokrasopimus.

A New Kind of Com­mu­ni­ty Li­fe Can Be Found In Group Te­nan­cy Ho­mes

A-Kruu­nu has de­ve­lo­ped a new group ren­tal con­cept to­get­her with Tal­li Arc­hi­tects. The idea of ​​group ren­ting is that se­ve­ral re­si­dents li­ve in the sa­me apart­ment, each with their own ren­tal ag­ree­ment. The first group ren­tal apart­ments we­re comp­le­ted in Hel­sin­ki's Kruu­nu­vuo­ren­ran­ta in the Haa­ko­nin­lah­ti block in Oc­to­ber 2021, and they we­re built spe­ci­fi­cal­ly to ser­ve the pur­po­se of group ren­tal hou­sing. In Oc­to­ber 2022, 7 group ren­tal apart­ments we­re comp­le­ted on Län­si­sa­ta­man­ka­tu in Jät­kä­saa­ri, and Kont­ti­nos­tu­ri­ku­ja in Nih­ti in December 2024.

Our new con­cept aims to de­ve­lop ho­mes with spa­ce so­lu­tions that com­bi­ne pri­va­cy and sha­red spa­ce. This al­lows us to of­fer in­ha­bi­tants mo­re spa­ce and mo­re ver­sa­ti­le fa­ci­li­ties but for the sa­me pri­ce le­vel as a pri­va­te apart­ment. Sha­red li­ving quar­ters pro­vi­de a fra­me­work for the crea­tion of re­si­den­tial com­mu­ni­ties, which is an im­por­tant part of the con­cept.

Group te­nan­cy hou­sing dif­fers from cell hou­sing in that re­si­dents can choo­se who they li­ve with. This al­lows the idea of com­mu­na­li­ty to real­ly flou­rish. Cell hou­sing is of­ten per­cei­ved as a form of stu­dent hou­sing. Group te­nan­cy ho­mes are not just for stu­dents, but rat­her the­se new kinds of ho­mes are in­ten­ded for peop­le of all ages, both for young peop­le and pa­rents.


Our Group Rental Homes:

Helsingin Turumankatu 11 & Pojamankatu 10

Helsingin Länsisatamankatu 29, 00220 Helsinki

Helsingin Konttinosturinkuja 4, 00540 Helsinki


Communal Housing: Benefits and Experiences

Read Johanna Kerovuori's blog about group rental housing (FI)


Read More About Group Tenancy


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A-Kruunun ensimmäinen ryhmävuokrauskohde Helsingin Turumankatu

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