Wood Construction Projects at A-Kruunu
The mission of A-Kruunu is the construction of affordable rental housing. Our tasks also include the advancement of wood construction, innovation, the circular economy, and low carbon output.
A-Kruunu is an active participant in developing the process of building apartment blocks out of wood. Our first wooden apartment buildings were completed in Kuninkaantammi in Helsinki in the summer of 2018, Sipoo Söderkulla in spring 2021 and Kuusikko, Finland's largest wooden residential area, will go up in Vuores in Tampere, it's first part was finished in October 2021.
The goal is for a minimum of 15 % of annual residential building starts after the beginning of 2021 to be for apartment buildings made of wood. Most of our wood construction projects are part of more extensive scientific research projects aimed at getting significant information concerning wood construction.
A-Kruunu's wooden apartment blocks have been built and are being built in places including Kuninkaantammi in Helsinki, Söderkulla in Sipoo, and Vuores in Tampere. We are also constantly looking for more wood construction projects.
Wood Construction in A-Kruunu's News and Blog
Here you can browse news and blog posts related to wood construction published in A-Kruunu.
Please note that the articles are in Finnish.

Helsingin Postipuisto
The plan for the wood apartment block due to be completed in Postipuisto in Helsinki in 2024 won the Asuntoreformi architecture competition organised by the City of Helsinki with the aim of exploring opportunities in urban wood construction. The consortium comprising KUMP Architects, Arkkitehtitoimisto A-Konsultit Oy and Talli Architecture and Design is responsible for designing the site. A six-storey staircase and 200 apartments will be built in the wooden residential block, in which Asuntosäätiö will build the right-of-occupancy apartments and A-Kruunu the rental apartments. JVR-Rakenne, a specialist in wood construction, has been selected as the collaboration partner. This is the first project A-Kruunu is implementing using CLT technology and the apartment block will be built by JVR-Rakenne Oy.

Nurmijärven Klaukkala
A residential block of three wooden apartment buildings made of industrially prefabricated modular sections according to the BoKlok concept will be implemented in Klaukkala, Nurmijärvi. The block will consist of a total of 90 apartments, 63 of which will be implemented as rental apartments for A-Kruunu and 27 as apartments for BoKlok to sell. The homes will be ready for moving in towards the end of 2023. BoKlok is an innovative wood construction pioneer, developed by Skanska and IKEA 25 years ago. So far, BoKlok has built almost 14,000 homes in Sweden, Norway, Finland and the United Kingdom. Architecture firm Ark7 designs the BoKlok homes built in Finland. BoKlok's speciality is the idea of maximising efficiency, in which modification and and customisation of the concept is avoided in order to avoid costs.

Tampereen Vuores
A-Kruunu and TA-Asumisoikeus built a total of 195 apartments to Vuores in Tampere. The apartments were completed in stages in 2021 and 2022. Arkta Rakennus Oy was the contractor in the project. The site consisting of six wooden apartment buildings is the largest entity of wooden apartment buildings implemented as a single project in Finland. The project was linked to the extensive PUKKI research project of Tampere University. The PUKKI project on wood construction as a means of sustainable property development examined value creation in networks connected with wooden apartment buildings and the development of the circular economy and business models from the point of view of wood construction. One aim of the project is to help achieve the goal set by the City of Tampere to reach carbon neutrality by 2030.

Sipoon Söderkulla
A total of 47 moderately-priced rental apartments were completed in Söderkulla in Sipoo in summer 2021. The principal contractor in the project was KW-Component Oy, one of Woodcomp Companies, and architecture firm Avarion Markku Rinne was the principal designer. In the Sipoo project, A-Kruunu opened a bid for tenders for different systems in wood construction. The wooden apartment buildings in the project were constructed using modular units. Another goal was to develop industrial construction of wooden apartment buildings, create serial production and this way bring down unit costs.

Helsingin Kuninkaantammi
Two wooden A-Kruunu apartment buildings were completed at Taidemaalarinkatu 6 in Kuninkaantammi in Helsinki in spring 2018. Rental accommodations are part of a research project comparing the features of wood and concrete construction in similar buildings in the planning and building phases, and when in use. The unique project is part of the City of Helsinki’s Re-thinking Urban Housing programme aimed at making apartment living more attractive and flexible, with solutions geared for the individual. The study also includes a customer satisfaction survey examining possible differences in the living comfort in buildings made of wood and those made of concrete. The findings of the research were published in spring 2019.