Resident page

Järvenpään Väärävarsi

Väärävarsi 1, 04400 Järvenpää


• 68 homes
• 1–5 rooms + kitch­net­te

Property maintenance: Laten KH-Palvelut Oy


• maintenance, cleaning, snow work
• moving and fault reports

Kievarinkaari 2, LT 2
04300 Tuusula
Tel. 0400 599 895

Office open mon-fri 8-16
Service during other times:
Tel. 0400 275 085

Property Management

A-Kruunu Ltd
Ilari Villanen
Tel. 020 7207 146

Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.

Rent su­per­vi­sion 

Tel. 0207 207 100
Mon–Fri 12:00–14:30
Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.

Cus­to­mer ser­vi­ce and par­king spa­ces

Tel. 0207 207 100
Mon–Fri 12:00–14:30
Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.